About Me

One may have goals and destinations in life, but it is really the path life takes with its myriad twists and turns that to me holds the meat. It is along this journey where our experiences happen; where our learnings take place and where we become who we are.

As for me my family always said –

Aradhana “key pair mey chakkar hai”; Aradhana has wheels under her feet.

When I was young, I lived in different parts of India, studied in nine schools as my parents moved across different states. My father taught me that in the long run life experiences count for more than exams, when he once made me skip them in favour of travelling with him when I was just 12.

When I started working as a journalist, it was meeting people and telling their extraordinary stories or experiences that enthused me the most. In this job too I could not restrict myself to one place. I worked out of three state capitals, took two sabbaticals in Europe, and was happiest reporting diverse stories from various parts of India, rather than from the corridors of power in New Delhi.

I married a diplomat which opened doors to my not just traveling but living in different lands and experiencing their cultures up close. I tried my hand at teaching college students and loved it. I learned that being with young people and learning along with them is the best antidote to aging.

I always want to try new things which makes me feel that it is not just my feet but also by head which is on wheels. This often means that not everything I do gets done to perfection, but so what …. It is the Rah and the Rasta that count more for the Rahi.

So here I am – A freelance journalist, an amateur tourist guide and photographer, a potter, aspiring dancer and more …

RahRahiRasta will be a place where you will find writings about interesting people I have met along the way, places I have visited, experiences I have had and animals I have photographed. Occasionally you will also encounter some rantings about my country, the world and how things around us can and should be…. under Rai (opinion).

I invite you to be my co-traveller on this journey.